More landlords could be forced to sell their investment properties once their fixed-rate loans expire this year. Joe Armao
An estimated 275,000 landlords could find it tough to refinance their fixed-rate mortgages, with those who own multiple properties under pressure as lenders impose strict borrowing criteria including a minimum rental return.
For investors rolling off fixed-rate this year, the rapid rise in interest rates has severely cut their borrowing capacity while falling prices threaten to tip them into negative equity, experts say.
This may force some investors to sell some of their properties if they are unable to switch to a cheaper loan.
Those who own multiple properties, in particular, face stricter lending assessments as some banks tighten their criteria on riskier loans, including meeting a minimum rental yield.
“We’re seeing some banks are actually imposing a minimum rental return to be achieved on a particular property in order for the investor to pass the serviceability test,” said Anna Porter, principal and founder of real estate advisers Suburbanite.
“It’s not affecting every landlord and not all lenders are doing it, but we’re seeing it happen a lot more in the last month or so.”
The minimum rental yield requirement varied, but lenders typically required about 5.5 per cent, Ms Porter said.
RateCity estimates that nearly one in three or about 275,000 of the 880,000 fixed-rate mortgages expiring this year are investor loans, based on the proportion of investor lending from April 2020 to December 2021 as recorded by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.
“Investors who took out a fixed rate at record lows could feel the full impact of the mortgage cliff that’s about to hit them if they haven’t worked up an exit strategy to help cushion the blow,” said Sally Tindall, RateCity research director.
“Investors who bought in the last couple of years, particularly those who have been treading water on interest-only terms, could find their equity has slid into a position where they can’t refinance without paying an arm and a leg in lenders mortgage insurance. Others could find they can’t refinance at all because their equity is bordering on, or below, zero.”
Recent data from APRA shows banks have drastically reduced their lending towards riskier loans as interest rates rise, making it harder for some property investors to switch to a cheaper mortgage.
Banks have slashed the portion of their lending towards highly indebted borrowers – those who owe at least six times more than their income – to just 11 per cent during the December quarter. This is less than half the 24.3 per cent share a year earlier.
New lending towards larger loans – those that are at least six times higher than the borrower’s income – also slumped by more than half to just 4.5 per cent from 11 per cent in the previous year.
The share of low-deposit loans – 10 per cent or less – also declined to a record low 5.9 per cent, down from 6.2 per cent in the previous quarter, with the investor segment plummeting to just 2.3 per cent.
Going regional
Suburbanite’s Ms Porter said the rental yield hurdle was relatively high, effectively pushing investors into cheaper regional markets.
“It’s a fairly high rental return, and you’re not going to get that in Melbourne or in western Sydney. I’ve analysed these areas and most properties are just getting around 2-3 per cent gross rental yield on average,” she said.
“So you’re going to have to push out into the regional areas such as Wagga Wagga, Townsville, Rockhampton or Mackay to get those yields.”
She said lenders also imposed restrictions on some regional locations because of severe environmental events such as cyclones, flooding or drought, as well as the state of their local economy.
Banks’ lending appetite also depends on their exposure in a certain area and can change quickly once they hit their threshold.
“The challenge is that with this yield requirement, most locations that will deliver this will be within an unsatisfactory risk profile for many lenders and this will impact the client’s ability to secure finance,” Ms Porter said
“We have a client that requires a 5.6 per cent yield on a residential purchase as a condition of their pre-approval, and some of the locations we researched that will provide this are Townsville, Rockhampton and Moree. But due to the regional locale and the history of environmental impacts to these areas, the bank declined to lend.”
Margaret Lomas, property investor, mortgage broker and founder of Destiny Financial Solutions, said that once an investor had two or three properties, or a total debt exposure of more than $1.5 million, the banks would typically make it difficult for them to get a mortgage even when their personal income was more than sufficient to service the debt.
“The main issue here is that all existing loans held by the borrower are assessed as if they are principal and interest, even if they are interest-only, and a fairly large additional buffer is applied to the entire portfolio of loans, regardless of their actual rate, to assess affordability for more borrowing,” Ms Lomas said.
“When this is done across a number of loans, it can effectively double the actual repayment amounts for each loan, which reduces their ability to borrow further even when, in reality, that borrower has significant surplus funds in their cash flow.”
Redom Syed, a mortgage broker with Confidence Finance, said investors were now assessed at about 9 per cent, given the 10 interest rate rises and the 3 per cent buffer rate as mandated by APRA. This time last year, the assessment rate was 5.5 per cent.
“For an investor who has an existing $2 million debt, if they could borrow another $1.5 million this time last year to buy a home, that number has now fallen to below $500,000 as a result of interest rate rises,” Mr Syed said. “That’s a 75 per cent fall in the amount they can borrow. This investor also has had their repayments rise by nearly $6000 per month.”
Reducing debt burden
The sharply reduced borrowing power limited the ability of investors to refinance their loans and access cheaper interest rates available in the market, he said.
“One way around this would be to sell investment properties and reduce debt sizes as a result. We’re now seeing a growing number of landlords taking this option.
“Recently, we had a client come to us with an investment debt portfolio of $2.5 million at an interest rate approximately 1 per cent above new lending market rates. They weren’t able to refinance as their debt position was too large.
“We ran the numbers for them, and they decided to sell one of their investments and reduced their debt to $2 million. As a result, they were able to refinance and save another $20,000 each year in interest across their portfolio.”
Ms Porter of Suburbanite said landlords were also selling some properties because they could no longer manage their mortgage repayments.
“Many investors simply don’t have enough cash flow to absorb the substantial increase in their mortgage repayments, so they have to offload some of their investments,” she said.
“Rents have increased sharply in the past year, but the rise in interest rate far outstrips those rental gains.”
(Fin Review – March 2023)
If you would like assistance with a home loan health check, purchasing property or refinancing, or to discuss any other lending needs, please do not hesitate to contact Geoff.